Öko Produkte - aus Pflanzen - Algen 2 - Flip-Flops

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Turning Algae Into Environmentally-Friendly Flip-Flops At UC San Diego
It’s the world’s most popular shoe. Unfortunately, far too many flip-flops end up in the ocean, on beaches and in landfills. But faculty and student researchers at U-C San Diego have come up with a solution. KPBS reporter John Carroll shows us how they’re taking algae, and turning it into biodegradable footwear.

Es ist der beliebteste Schuh der Welt. Leider landen viel zu viele Flip-Flops im Meer, an Stränden und auf Mülldeponien. Aber Fakultäts- und Studentenforscher an der U-C San Diego haben eine Lösung gefunden. Der KPBS-Reporter John Carroll zeigt uns, wie sie Algen aufnehmen und daraus biologisch abbaubares Schuhwerk machen.

Flip-Flops Made From Plants And Algae Can Help Reduce Plastic Pollution | World Wide Waste
Researchers at the University of California San Diego have figured out how to turn algae into flip flops. They founded a startup to sell the shoe, but face a challenge in getting their invention mass produced: There aren't enough algae farms to support the startup's supply chain.

Algae Flip Flops
From algae surfboards to sustainable shoes, a campus innovation that could change the world 

Eco-friendly algae flip-flops : Sustainable fashion
Researchers at University of California, San Diego hope to make future beach visits both environmentally and fashion-friendly, with a new formula for biodegradable flip flops.



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