Produkte - Hausbau Plastiksteine - aus Recycled Plastik


Indonesian women turn waste plastic into construction bricks
07.06.2021 Alarmed by the colossal amount of plastic flushed into Indonesian waters, best friends Notiva Tan and Ovy Sabrina started collecting plastic packaging and wrappers from food stalls in Jakarta two years ago. Now they repurpose the plastic, turning it into building bricks. Their team has already produced over 100,000 eco-bricks and the duo is now looking to expand their reach. Indonesia has pledged to reduce plastic waste by about 75 per cent over the next four years.

How Bricks Are Made From Plastic Trash | World Wide Waste | Insider Business
25.02.2023 #WorldWideWaste #InsiderBusiness #PlasticBricks A company shreds, melts, and molds a secret mixture of hard-to-recycle plastics to make solid bricks and beams. The building materials are cheaper and faster to assemble than most traditional ones. The system has helped increase waste collectors' income and address a shortage of school buildings in Ivory Coast.

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